How Cold is Too Cold for Cannabis?

How Cold is Too Cold for Cannabis?

It's no secret cannabis plants require optimal handling in terms of temperature immediately after harvest. In a natural growing environment, cannabis is harvested in late summer before temperatures dip too drastically, but once the plant has been cured, temperature variances can be even more important to monitor.

If weed gets too cold, damage to the plant can occur, but other factors in indoor winter environments can also cause problems. Take a look at the ideal temperatures for storing cannabis and how to take good care of your harvested buds in the winter.

How cold is too cold for cannabis?

The best temperature for storing cannabis post-cure is usually somewhere between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. While this is the optimal range, you can get by with even lower temps as long as you don't slip below 50 degrees. This is why storing cannabis in a refrigerator or freezer is not a good idea.

In cold cannabis, the composition of the delicate trichomes change. The sticky resin gets more solid, which can cause it to pull away from the flower more easily. This leads to more of the trichomes separating, which means the flavor and potency of the weed will be impacted.

Looking Out for Your Cannabis in Winter

When the temperatures drop, even if you are keeping your cannabis indoors for safekeeping, it is important to pay attention to its storage environment. The indoor environment changes in the winter as heating systems remove moisture from the air, which can cause your buds to dry out much more quickly. We’ll explain below how to keep your weed fresh during the winter months.

Watch Out for Heaters

Heaters warm the indoor air to keep you comfortable, but they also eliminate moisture from the indoor environment. If you have ever noticed that you have issues with dry skin or even a raspy throat or itchy nose in the cooler months, it can likely be attributed to the massive reduction in indoor humidity levels. Cured cannabis still contains a significant amount of moisture, so when the humidity levels drop, some drying out can occur.

Retain Moisture with Proper Storage

The best plan of action with smaller amounts of stored cannabis in the winter is to create an environment that will protect the buds from both cold and low moisture levels. For example, you can store your weed in an Evergreen stash jar with an Evergreen pod, and this will help keep the weed from drying out.

Keep Your Weed Near Your Body While Traveling

Person putting a white ESS Mini in jacket pocket

If you do have to venture outdoors in frigid temps in the winter, keep your stash close to you. Avoid leaving it in your vehicle or elsewhere for long periods. An ESS Mini can be perfect for the purpose because it fits directly in your pocket if needed, but an Evergreen Traveler can work well for smaller amounts of flower.

Evergreen: Keeping Weed Fresh Through Winter and Beyond

Looking to invest in a reliable weed storage solution? Be sure to take a look at the full Evergreen collection.

Evergreen products in winter diorama



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