Congratulations on being the owner of a new Evergreen Pod, you made a great choice buying from a grower who cares about freshness!
Growers who take pride in the freshness of their products protect it by placing a humidity control device in the container, ensuring that the consumer will enjoy the flower in nearly the same state it was when packaged post-cure.
What does the Evergreen Humidity Pod do?
The Evergreen Pod is a humidity control device that’s designed to keep your flower at the ideal humidity for storage and consumption. It can raise or lower humidity in the jar to prevent both drying out and mold.
Is this the same as those humidity packs I’ve seen around?

Yes and no. The Pod performs the same function as those packs, but while humidity packs usually last a month or two before needing to be replaced, the Evergreen Pod can be recharged with drinking water and put back to use. With proper care, it can last up to five years before it needs to be replaced.
How do I use the Evergreen Pod to keep this jar of weed fresh?
The Pod is already hard at work keeping the jar contents at the right humidity level. Right now, the only thing you need to do is leave the pod attached to the lid, and leave the cap of the pod open about ¼ turn from fully closed (to allow airflow in and out). It should have enough moisture in it to last at least a month or two (depending on environmental humidity and how often you open the jar). If after a month or two you notice the flower getting a little dry, follow the instructions below to recharge the Pod.
Can I reuse the Pod after I finish off the jar?
Yes! You can refill the jar with fresh flower and keep using the Pod, or you can move the Pod to a different jar. The general rule is that a single pod can maintain humidity in up to a quart-sized container, so if your jar is bigger than that it may require more than one. You should check the Pod every few weeks to see if it needs to be recharged. Instructions are below.
How to recharge the Evergreen Pod

First, check the beads to see if the Pod needs to be recharged
- Unscrew the cap from your Evergreen Pod and view the Pod in normal lighting conditions - i.e., not under a bright light.
- Examine the beads through the transparent screen - ideally, some of the beads are bright opaque white, while others are gray or translucent. If you have a mix of shades, your Pod is still ideally charged and can be put back in use.
- If all beads are opaque white, the Evergreen Pod needs recharging. Proceed to the next section for instructions.
Recharging the Evergreen Pod

The Pod can be recharged using regular drinking water. We recommend using water you consider good enough to drink, without any unusual smells or flavors.
- There is a felt sponge affixed to the underside of the Pod cap. Wet the sponge well - it should soak through quickly and easily. Never apply water directly to the screen or beads!
- Shake off excess water from the sponge and screw the cap back onto the Evergreen Pod until it is sealed.
- Under normal conditions the Pod will recharge in a few hours. To check the Pod, unscrew the cap. If all beads still appear bright opaque white, screw the cap back on and leave closed for an additional 12 hours.
- When your Pod has been properly charged, tighten the cap and then loosen it about a quarter-turn, so that it is secured but not tightly sealed. The cap must be slightly loose for air to flow, which enables proper function of the Evergreen Pod.
- If all beads are completely translucent, your Pod has been overcharged. Instructions for fixing this are below.
How to Fix an Overcharged Evergreen Pod

If you overcharged the pod, don’t worry. It doesn’t cause long term harm and is easy to fix.
- When the Pod absorbs too much humidity during charging, all of the beads will turn dark or transparent. This means the device is overcharged and will need to be dried out.
- Leave the Pod out in the open with the cap off until you see a mix of white/gray/translucent shades in the beads. The Pod will then be ready to use again.
- When your Pod has been properly charged, tighten the cap and then loosen it about a quarter-turn, so that it is secured but not tightly sealed. The cap must be slightly loose for air to flow, which enables proper function of the Evergreen Pod.
Thanks for reading our introduction to the Evergreen Pod! If you need more guidance, full instructions can be found here. We also write a lot about cannabis and best storage practices here. If you have any other questions you can contact us directly using this form, or send an email to